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Try our self-diagnostic tool

Global Mobility self-diagnostic tool

Interested in what time and cost savings you can achieve by simplifying your operational processes and taking control of your data?

Our self-diagnostic tool can provide you with the operational time and cost savings typically generated by Global Expat Pay’s technology and managed service.

It takes less than 5 minutes, so why wait? See how you could benefit and what you could save.

Section 1:

This section is to understand your current mobility landscape

  • Vendors
  • Technologies
  • Challenges

Which external vendors do you currently manage?

You may select more than one

What technology / method do you use to manage your Global Mobility programme?

Choose all that apply

What are your key mobility operational challenges?

Please rank your top 3 challenges in priority order

Category 1st 2nd 3rd
Managing vendors and external costs
Year-end compliance
Payroll delivery
Payment accuracy
Confidence in Technology
Operational data
Reliable management reporting

Section 2:

This section is to understand how your current operational processes work today.

  • Effort
  • Payments
  • Wishlist

What level of effort is involved for the process steps below?

Please select the level of effort for each category

Category Low Effort Medium Effort High Effort
Data provision for compliance reporting (payroll, year end filing and tax returns)
Monitoring and tracking assignee population
Managing and tracking programme costs
Review and process vendor invoices
Providing relevant reporting to the business
Accurately run payroll
Dealing with assignee questions

What level of effort is involved to make assignment related payments currently?

Please select the level of effort for each payment category

Category Low Effort Medium Effort High Effort
Urgent payments e.g. Rental deposits in host
Cash assignment allowances e.g. salary, COLA
Expense reimbursements e.g. assignee cash reimbursements
Year end payments e.g. tax settlements
Vendor invoices e.g. 3rd party services

What would YOU spend more time on if your current operational efforts were reduced?

Please select all that apply

Section 3:

This final section allows us to calculate the time and cost savings and provide your bespoke insight report.

  • Assignees
  • Countries
  • Mobility Team

What is your active assignee volume?

Select one that applies

How many countries are your assignees based in?

Host countries

Home countries

What is the size of your current Global Mobility team?

Choose one option that best describes your situation

Section 4:

Your summary

Your bespoke report containing potential cost savings, internal hours reduction and insight has been generated. Please provide your name and email address to unlock your savings potential!